Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Democratic Conversion Kit

Dear Republicans:

Understanding that those of you who have some respect for this process may be a bit confused as to what to do now that Sarah Palin is your Vice-Presidential nominee, we loving, understanding and compassionate Dem's are offering you a graceful way out of your current situation.

For a limited time only we are offering you a free Democratic Conversion Kit. A very helpful tool to help you make the transition from them to us. This kit, filled with Obama, Donkey and Democratic paraphernalia will assist you in safely and permanately migrating to the party of better sense.

We offer you this assitance because we understand that you may not know how to make this change with confidence and pride. We also want to help you express your understanding that any woman is not better than no woman at all, that a balance between experience and vision is better choice than the mixture of nostalgia and hype; and that confusion and rumor is not a substitute for truth and principals.

Please understand that your window of opportunity to cut bait and run is closing slowly, so please take the offer while it is available.

We understand that the is a drastic move and the contents of the kit may be overwhelming, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Please review the contents of the kit and quickly determine of you can and will proudly display and use them as we work toward helping you make the best decision for our country.

If you find that any of the contents can not be used in your attempt to make the best decision for our country, we understand and wish you well in helping build that bridge to nowhere!

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